Acacio Martir 1 Antique Mexican Retablo #131
- Acacio Martir 1 Antique Mexican Retablo
- Saint Acacius Martyred 1
- Retablo dimensions are approx. 14 inches vertical x 10 inches horizontal.Â
- Condition: in excellent, original condition with some minor paint loss throughout the surface, acquired over more than a century of use and devotional prayer.
- 19th Century Mexican Antique Retablo depicts San Acacio. San Acacio, or Saint Acacius, is believed to have been a Roman Soldier of the 2nd Century AD. During a campaign to subjugate Syrian tribal groups, an Angel appeared to Acacio and 9,000 of his troops. After this miraculous visitation, they soon rejected their military status, converted to Christianity, and settled as a religious community near Mount Ararat in Armenia.
- Roman Emperor Hadrian and later Antonius Pius pressed to return them to military service. A force of 1000 soldiers were sent on this mission, and were also converted, bringing the total of converts surrounding Acacio to 10,000 souls.
- Eventually, Acacio and the 10,000 were captured and martyred by beheading or crucifixion. San Acacio is traditionally depicted in Mexican Retablo Art as a crucified Saint, suffering under a Crown of Thorns, and wearing a representation of an early 19th Century Mexican Independence Movement uniform. He is often shown accompanied by symbols of war; banners, flags, drums and military weapons in the background symbolizing his time as a soldier.
- San Acacio is one of the “14 Holy Helpers in Need”; a group of Saints that may be appealed to for good health and intercession is worldly problems. San Acacio is especially revered by those suffering from headaches.